Haunted Attraction Photography by Christopher Hall
Mountain of Terror  (2011-10-01)

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Mountain of Terror  (2011-10-01)
A new haunt for SeeYouScream!
Mountain of Terror is themed after an old mine that used to be on the property. Just walking up to the haunt, I loved the play of light across the pond (I didn't get a shot of it that night). Per the norm with new haunts, its owner showed me through before I began the shoot. This time, I decided to start at the beginning and shot each scene as I came to it. Since I'm stressing quality over quantity, I didn't get very far this night. I had a chance to continue the shoot the next night, but I couldn't stay awake after getting barely four hours sleep that night. Never fear: fully documenting this haunt will become a pet project of mine this year.
I'm impressed with the haunt's maze; you rarely see a haunt with something of that size. Yes, you can get lost in it for more than half an hour (thankfully, I had a guide). I also like the chute at the end. There are several other things of note; doubtless, I'll continue my list during the next shoot.
On a side note, I had to attend an out-of-state conference the next weekend. This is why there is a week gap between shoots.
Photograher: Christopher Hall
Pictures:  24.

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