Haunted Attraction Photography by Christopher Hall
Woods of Terror  (2005-10-29)
This night was spent focusing on getting pictures of people being scared.  A good, reliable stream of customers through the attraction really helped to provide me opportunities.  Though the attraction is large, I have been getting the hang of finding places where I can set up for some good scares.  In all, I took more than 330 pictures that night and have whittled it down to a little less than half.

Take note I also added script to this page to make loading and viewing it a little easier.  There are five pages of pictures.  If it wasn't for daylight savings time, I would never have had the time to complete writing and testing the script that controls this page.

This album is part of Christopher Hall's Haunted Pictures collection.
Pictures:  115     Some edited & all watermarked.

Pages:   1     2     3     4     5  

These pictures are copyright me, and are authorized for posting only on the Woods of Terror web site. Please do not publish, distribute, print, sell, direct link, repost, copy, or otherwise reuse my pictures without my explicit permission.