Haunted Attraction Photography by Christopher Hall
Spookywoods  (2009-10-01)
Another short shoot, this one a Thursday. I started off getting the one shot I wanted to retake: the one with the torture victim showing his intestine. I wasn't happy with the previous one due to focus and the end of the intestine looking like a sausage. I did much better this time. Some things you just don't catch or notice on a three inch camera screen.
Much of the rest of the night was spent finishing character shots. I have a couple more scenes' characters to get, then I can start on getting the graveyard zombies and scene. After that, it'll be time to get scares in the corn (it'll be difficult with that fence in the way) and the tram ride.
This album is part of Christopher Hall's Haunted Pictures collection.
Pictures:  28.     Some edited & all watermarked.
  Lightbox Slides ("P"revious, "N"ext, and e"X"it.)

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These pictures are copyright me, and are authorized for publishing only to the Spookywoods web site (and other private MySpace-type sites). Please do not publish, distribute, print, sell, direct link, repost, copy, or otherwise reuse my pictures without my explicit permission.